As someone who suffers from IBS and lactose intolerance, I know firsthand how stressful it can be when deciding whether to eat or drink something. Choose correctly, and you might have an enjoyable day. Choose incorrectly, and it may land you in the bathroom.
Sometimes – at the most inconvenient of times.
But there’s no way that drinking tea can make you poop, or can it?

There are many reasons why drinking tea might make you poop. Some of these reasons include chemical compounds (like caffeine, tannins, senna) and personal intolerances. But it’s also possible that the problem is not in the tea but in external factors – like your lifestyle.
Let’s dive into the relationship between tea and your bowels and investigate why your tea habit might make you poop.
5 Reasons Why Drinking Tea Might Make You Poop
1. Too Much Caffeine
Black, Green, Oolong, and White teas all come from the same plant species – the Camellia sinensis (or Tea Plant), which contains caffeine, a natural stimulant. When ingested, caffeine, stimulates the intestines to contract and relax and ultimately release food as waste.
I’d say if you’re drinking 1 – 3 cups of tea with caffeine daily, you should be fine. But if you’re exceeding that amount and feeling discomfort, consider slowing down to see if it’ll alleviate the symptoms.
If you’re a huge fan of tea, explore other types of tea. Remember that no two teas are alike.
Read the back of your tea label to learn more about the caffeine content. You might be surprised to find that the caffeine content depends from brand to brand and tea to tea.
You might also want to try decaffeinated tea and herbal teas like chamomile, rooibos, or peppermint.
2. You’re Sensitive To Tannins
In addition to caffeine, some teas contain high concentrations of tannins. Tannins are known for their antioxidant properties and many other health benefits. However, in high doses, they may cause an upset stomach and potentially cause you to have to poop.
3. Your Blend Contains Senna
Not all teas are made the same, so w it’s important that you look at the ingredients list. Some herbal teas contain Senna, especially those marketed to promote weight loss, reduce bloating, or alleviate symptoms of constipation.
Senna is derived from the Senna plant and contains compounds that increase intestinal contractions, which encourages you to poop.
4. You’re Sensitive To Other Ingredients
We all have different sensitivities and intolerances. For some, it’s lactose. For others, it may be any other additions to your tea, like flavoring and spices or a combination.
If you’re unsure of what you’re sensitive to, read the ingredients in your beverage and try eliminating them one by one if possible. And if that doesn’t work, consult a health care provider.
5. Your Body Knows What’s Up
Sometimes the problem isn’t the tea, but with timing. When are you drinking your tea? What else are you eating with your tea? If you keep up a regular schedule, your colon may know precisely what to expect right after a cup of tea. A trip to the loo.
That’s because eating and drinking naturally encourage your colon to contract, which can encourage bowel movement right after a meal or, in this case, tea time.
Other (Less Likely) Reasons Why Your Tea Might Make You Poop
1. Contaminated Tea
Always wash your hands and prepare tea in a clean environment. Contaminated tea that hasn’t been stored or prepared carefully can lead to food-borne illnesses and cause you to go to the loo.
2. Traveler’s Diarrhea
If you love to travel and enjoy tea while traveling, you may have traveler’s diarrhea. A health professional can confirm this if this is what you suspect.
Related Questions
Does Decaf Tea Make You Poop?
Decaf tea is made by removing most of the caffeine from the tea leaves before they’re processed. However, the trace amount of caffeine is typically not enough to cause you to take a trip to the bathroom.
Does Boba Make You Poop?
Boba tea can contain a lot of different ingredients. But often, it contains milk, tapioca pearls, sugar, tea, and fruit or fruit extracts – all of which can potentially cause diarrhea depending on individual tolerances and sensitivities.
Does Chai Make You Poop?
While there are different variations of chai, chai is usually made with black tea, milk, sugar, and spices (like cinnamon, cardamom, and ginger). Therefore if consumed in large amounts, caffeine from the black tea and intolerances to other ingredients in chai might make you poop.
Final Thoughts
Drinking tea can be soothing, but for some, it may increase bowel movements. This could be due to compounds like caffeine, tannins, and Senna. But sometimes, your lifestyle and individual sensitivities can also influence how often you visit the loo.
If drinking your favorite tea makes you feel uncomfortable, slow down, look at the ingredients, and try something else. If the problem persists, it’s always best to speak to your health professional.
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